Labels:text | newspaper | black and white | publication | newsprint | screenshot OCR: Hacking Tube Halder Funnel Ingerious device, fil- in nick if jugs, la Large, for catboy (12 og ) Fold the racking; huile at a ny leiphl. Medium for flasks. (5 az.1 Fils all glass fags. (2 cz) .91.95 Boiling <ettie (Cerame or :log) Betile Filler Le qt. W .05 .! .521.35 21 gt. 621.35 Plastic 13 321 ..... 33 gt. (25 lhe.) .$14.95 Boiling Kultka (kinks shel! Hylen Mest Bag (Bolable) 24 q6. 111 135. 5 02.) 12" hy 14'. ( v.). $110.00 22" by 20'. Md (2.) Mualin Hep Boiling Bag Outdoor Propane Burner I larry duty 1 60.000 BTU auxloor chescur for whole ve pileg here ar -mell amounts of main. Il ox ]. Chwascloth 15q. yard) (1 oz.]. $1.25 peggy. 17. 125 11c.5 DRAFT BEER SYSTEM When it comes to dtactboet, you can'tget eur syrup kes: We are offering both the Soulmars S paliou siers la accommodate any size homebrewing operation. In addition to supporting our kegs with all the accessories needed. be go perline, we also have used 3 and 5 gallen ke in shot's and ready to ship. Our rysteme include complete in-trachors for use and mainterace in of seressories: pages 101-108, New kegy and the complete systems are discounted alen's Draft Beer Systems: Drags lles Ich hof Regulator : mr. Includee cre grup key. pick dicareer gr. Specify "Tois," or "Ball" Dsconlecis: anil bessere fittings. 10 ht. of poe:sans russ Croft "Tacpe" FELcer (2 021 dual guage present rerululi .. Used kess are Five Galler Sywens wth: 111 he) $.79.00 Used lieg $14/20 Ewinke's Three Way Spliner. (divides Es x service too laniest -ce) .. 55.95 Neo Kez $109,00 (wel Kes $1:5.00 Hose Clanps (2 Do] Lange ('Ras ter Tak Lid (! og